Swim Workout #60 – Choice – Even and Odd Switch Up

Online Swim Workouts and Swim Coaching

Another fun Friday choice day for you. We will be changing our swims with different things to focus on depending on the even or odd number in each set. New to the mix is the addition of pullouts and diving within a 75 or 100. Enjoy your swim today!! 

Warm Up

 400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

6 x 75

Kick /  Drill / Swim = Odds

Kick / Swim / Kick = Evens


2 x 100 Build up


All Choice above, 10-15 Seconds Rest

=650 yds

Main Set

Everything is your choice.

8 x 75

Odds = Build Up

Evens = 200 race pace with a dive in the deep end (25 mark)

15 Seconds Rest


8 X 50 Kick with Board

Fast= Odds

Moderate = Evens

10 Seconds Rest


4 x 100 IM with 5 pullouts at the deep end (after the 25 and 75). 

15 Seconds Rest

= 1400 yds

Warm Down

100 Easy 

Total = 2,950 Yards

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