Swim Workout #62 – IM – IM Mixer

Good Morning. Off to a great start today. Keep at it since it is almost Christmas! Today we have a longer drill set, but is should be fun. 

Warm Up

 400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

2 Rounds (#1 = Fly for the 1st 50 , 75, 100, Back for the 2nd 50, 75, 100, #2 = Breast for the 1st 50 , 75, 100, Free for the 2nd 50, 75, 100)
2 x 50 Kick
2 x 75 Drill
2 x 100 Swim

15 Seconds Rest

=900 yds

Main Set

400 Free Pull

8 x 50 IM order build up – 15 Seconds Rest

12 x 25 VS IM order (no free round) – 10 seconds rest  – make the easy 25 your rest

= 1100 yds

Warm Down

100 Easy 

Total = 2,900 Yards

Swim Workout #61 – Freestyle – 200 Pace

Work hard on those 200 pace swims!! 

Warm Up

 400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

4 x 50  Kick
4 x 50 Drill

4 x 50  Swim

10-15 Seconds Rest

=600 yds

Main Set

200 Free Negative Split

200 Free Race Pace

50 easy

4 x 50  – 200 Race Pace

Do everything above again… Try to go faster!

15 Seconds Rest

8 x 25  FAST /EASY by 25 – 10 Seconds Rest

= 1500 yds



Warm Down

100 Easy 

Total = 3,000 Yards

Swim Workout #52 – Freestyle – Plus a 25 Fast

Go get after it today!

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

2 x 25 Kick

2 x 50 Swim

2 x 75 Kick

100 Drill

2 x 75 Build

2 x 50 Swim

2 x 25 Build

10-15 Seconds Rest

=700 yds

Main Set

8 x 75 Pull Descend 1-4, 5-8

6 x (75 + 25 Fast) Fins

4 x (50 + 50 Fast) Swim

5 Seconds rest before the 25 Fast. 15 Seconds after.

= 1600 yds

Warm Down

100 Easy

Total = 3,000 Yards

Swim Workout #51 – Choice – All Out Swim!

Have you been wondering how your swimming has been doing these last few months. Why not time your self today on the 2 sets of 4 x 50s? See if you can improve some of your past workout times. If you have access to starting blocks and you feel comfortable using them, do it!

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

6 x 50 Drill  Choice

12 x 25 VS Choice by Set of 4

10-15 Seconds Rest

=600 yds

Main Set

400 Choice / Free by 25

100 Kick

4 x 50 Fast (all out!!) Choice – with 45 Seconds Rest

200 Choice / Free by 25

100 Kick

4 x 50 Fast (all out!!) Choice – with 45 Seconds Rest – Look at your times and try to keep them as consistent as possible

15 Seconds Rest for all, but 50s

Tread Water – 15 Seconds Hands up with weight and 15 Seconds Hands Down for 5 minutes or more.

= 1200 yds + Treading Water Time

Warm Down

100 Easy

Total = 2,700 Yards + Treading Time

Swim Workout #50 – IM – Get a Little Distance in Today

Get ready, this one is 3,300 yds. I didn’t add as much stroke work, so our freestyle swimmers will like this one. Work hard on the IM portions and swim the 200s long and strong.

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

3 Rounds

  • 100 Stroke / Free  Drill by 25
  • 2 x 25 Stroke Swim
  • 2 x 25 Choice Kick

10 Seconds Rest

=600 yds

Main Set

2 x 200 IM

200 Free Pull

4 x 100 Choice / Free

200 Free Pull

8 x 50 IM order x 2 Kick

200 Free Pull

15 Seconds Rest

= 1800 yds

Warm Down

100 Easy

Total = 3,300 Yards

Swim Workout #45 – Choice – 100 +

Enjoy your swim today!! Force yourself to make it a little harder by doing a full 100 stroke instead of IM. You can do it!!

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

100 IM Kick

200 IM Drill

100 IM Swim

20 Seconds rest

=400 yds

Main Set

4 x 100 IM or Full Stroke + 50 Free Fast

200 Free Pull

4 x 100 Free + 50 IM or Stroke Fast

200 Free Pull

15 Seconds Rest

= 1600 yds

Warm Down

100 Easy

Total = 2,900 Yards

Swim Workout #35 – IM – 4 Rounds

Hello! This set is actually pretty fun. It is filled with highs and lows and will keep you moving. Work the stroke distances and relax on the 100 freestyles. Enjoy your Wednesday!

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

4 x ( 25 Drill + 50 Kick + 25 Swim) IM Order – 15 Seconds Rest

=400 yds

Main Set

200 IM

50 Fly Swim

50 Fly Kick

100 free


2 x 100 IM

50 Back Swim

50 Back Kick

100 Free


200 IM

50 Breast Swim

50 Breast Kick

100 free


2 x 100 IM

50 Free Swim

50 Free Kick

100 free


1-2 minutes rest between rounds

15-20 seconds rest for everything else

= 1600 yds

Warm Down

100 Easy

Total = 2,900 Yards

Swim Workout #33 – Choice – Swim Boot Camp

Here is a workout that gets you out of the pool for a little bit. The 50s with Diving at the 25 is really great for those who are practicing for their next masters swim meet or sprint triathlon.

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

    6 x 75 Kick / Drill / Swim
    1-3 = One of each stroke
    4-6 = Free
    10 Seconds Rest

=450 yds

Main Set

400 Pull

8 x 50 (get out and dive in the pool at the 25) Going down build and coming back start out fast and get slower **

2 x 200 Pull

4 x 50 with 10 Pull Outs at the 25

200 Pull

15-20 Seconds

= 1600 yds

** Dive at your Own Risk** If diving in is not appropriate, replace with 10 pullouts or simply keep swimming. If you do dive, make sure water is deep enough and you use safe practices.

Warm Down

100 Easy

Total = 2,950 Yards

Swim Workout #32 – IM – Mix it Up

Enjoy your swim today!

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

4 x 50 IM order Kick

4 x 50 IM order Drill

4 x 50 IM order Swim

10-15 Seconds Rest

=600 yds

Main Set

200 IM

200 Free

4 x 50 Stroke Build

200 IM

200 Free

4 x 50 Stroke Fast / Easy by 50

15 Seconds Rest

8 x 25 IM order FAST / Free /EASY by 25 – 10 Seconds Rest

= 1400 yds

Warm Down

100 Easy

Total = 2,900 Yards

Swim Workout #5 – IM – Mixing of 200s

Today, we are going to get after our strokes!! We’ll mix it up by adding in kicking and drill, but we will be continuously swimming.  Ready?

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill set
  • 6 x 50 IM order x 2 (without free) Drill – 10 seconds rest
  • 2 x 100 IM Kick – 15 seconds rest

=500 yds

Main Set
  • 200 IM Drill
    • 4 x 50 Fast
      • O=Fly
      • E=Free
  • 200 IM Swim Moderate
    • 4 x 50 Fast
      • O=Back
      • E=Free
  • 200 IM kick Moderate
    • 4 x 50 Fast
      • O=Breast
      • E=Free
  • 200 IM Swim Moderate
    • 4 x 50 Fast
      • O=Free
      • E=Free

15 seconds rest after the 200,

20 seconds rest on the 50s,

30 – 60 seconds rest between sets.


= 1600 yds

Warm Down

100 Warm down

Total Yards = 3,000 yds