Swim Workout #164 – Choice – 75s

Friday at last! 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

4 Rounds

25 Stroke Drill + 50 Kick Choice + 25 Free Drill

Swim without rest, 15 after each round

= 400 yds

Main Set

4 x 75 Free, Build up to super FAST

200 Pull moderate pace

4 x 75 Stroke, Build up to Super FAST

2 x 100 with paddles

4 x 75 Choice Kick, FAST in center of the pool

200 Choice kick, fast in flags

15 seconds rest after 75 and 1 minute after the 200

= 1500 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 2,800 yds</h2>

Swim Workout #163 – IM – 2 Strokes

Have a great swim this morning! 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

Choose 3 strokes and a drill for each. 

2 x 50 Strike #1

2 x 75 Stroke #2

2 x 100 Stroke #3

= 450 yds

Main Set

2 Rounds, pick 2 strokes, one for each round

4 x 100 IM

4 x 50 Stroke. FAST

100 Free easy 

15 seconds rest between each, and 1 minute between rounds

8 x 25 IM kick

FAST/Easy by 12 1/2

= 1600 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 2,950 yds</h2>

Swim Workout #162 – Freestyle – Broken Mile

Good Morning out there! It has been a while since we’ve done an distance swim. Today we welcome distance swimming back with a broken mile for time. See if you can get close to your best mile for time in a meet or open water swim! You can do it! 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

        <h2>Drill Set</h2>      
    <ul type="disc"><li>4 x 75 Choice – 10 seconds rest<ul><li>Kick/<a href="https://aswimlife.com/2018/08/20/swim-workout-10-freestyle-1-mile-for-time/_wp_link_placeholder">Drill</a>/Swim</li></ul></li><li>8 x 25 D 1-4, 5-8 Choice ( keep 4 25s the same stroke) – 10 seconds rest</li></ul><p>=300 yds</p>        
        <h2>Main Set</h2>       
    <ul><li style="list-style-type: none;"><ul type="disc"><li>1 x 1650 for time broken<ul type="disc"><li>No gear</li><li>Break up in 4 sets of 400s. </li><li>But first start with a 50 Fast from a start</li><li>Time each 400 </li><li>Break for 1 minute between each</li><li>At the end add up your times and see how close you get to your best time in a meet. </li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><p>= 1650 yds</p>      
        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 3,050 yds</h2>

Swim Workout #161 – Choice – Freestyle Day

Freestyle Day! It is the last day of our stoke series. Take a little time to review some Freestyle YouTube videos to practice your best stroke and turns. 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

8 x 2- Turn 50s

Working on not breathing in or out of the wall and nice form on the full 25

15 Seconds Rest

= 400 yds

Main Set

6 x 100 Descend 1-3, 4-6, 15 Seconds Rest

2 x 300 Pull, 20 Seconds Rest

12 x 50 

(1-4 – Do 10 pullouts at deep end

5-8 – 25 Abs of your choice

9-12 – Dive in for a fast 50)

15 seconds rest

= 1800 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 3,1000 yds</h2>

Swim Workout #160 – IM – Doubled

Have a great swim today! Hopefully you can find an outdoor pool to cool off from the summer heat. 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

8 x 50 IM ( 12 1/2 of each stroke)

15 Seconds Rest

= 400 yds

Main Set

2 Rounds

200 Free

4 x 25 IM order FAST

4 x 50 IM order FAST

100 IM Swim

200 IM (Kick/Swim by 25)

1 minute break

15 seconds rest for everything else

= 1600 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 2,900 yds</h2>

Swim Workout #159 – Freestyle – Don’t Breathe Into & Out of the Wall..

Monday Morning! Let’s do it!! Today lets get rid of the bad habit of breathing in and out of the wall. It is a no no to breathe on the last stroke into or out of the wall. You get a lot of speed from your walls, so it is best not to slow it down by breathing. 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

6 Rounds

75 Breathing (3/5/7 by 25)

10 Seconds Rest

25 No Breathing (1 if you must… :))

10 Seconds Rest

= 600 yds

Main Set

3 x 400

1 = Pull

2 = Paddles and kicking

3  = Swim

20-30 Seconds Rest

Try to watch your breathing in and out of the flip turns. Maintain 3 strokes in and 3 strokes from the wall. Keep a fast pace into and out of the wall. 

12 x 25 Breathing changes on each one

1 = Only breathe 3 times

2 = Only breathe 2 times

3 = Only breathe 1 time

1 = Don’t Breathe

10 seconds rest

= 1500 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 3,000 yds</h2>

Swim Workout #158 – IM – IM/Free Pyramid

It is Breaststroke day! YAY. Ask a friend to video your stroke and see if there is anything to improve. If you need a coach, you know where to find me. 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

4 x 2-turn 50s – All Breaststroke, perfect turns and stroke

= 200 yds

Main Set

8 x 75 

O = Breast/Free/Breast by 25

E = Free/Breast/Free

15 seconds rest

4 x 100 Breast – Perfect Form

15 seconds rest

6 x 50 Breast Descend 1-3, 4-6

15 seconds rest

5 Minutes of Treading water, try it with breaststroke kick, 15 seconds on and 15 seconds off, add a medicine ball or weight to make it more tough.

15 seconds rest

= 1300 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 2,400 yds + Treading Time</h2>

Swim Workout #158 – IM – IM/Free Pyramid

Have a great time with this one. It isn’t often that we get to do a 50 IM. 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

4 x 100 Kick/ Drill / Kick / Swim IM order

8 x 25 2 of each stroke, Moderate/ FAST by 25

10 Seconds Rest

= 600 yds

Main Set

50 IM – split by 12 1/2

100 Free

100 IM

150 Free

200 IM

250 Free

300 IM – Split by 75

350 Free

15 seconds rest

= 1500 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 3,000 yds</h2>

Swim Workout #157 – Freestyle – 150s Pull/Swim

A new week and a new workout. Get it done this morning! 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

4 Rounds

25 Kick

50 Kick  / Drill by 25

75 Swim

10 Seconds Rest

= 600 yds

Main Set

6 Rounds

150, O=Pull, E = Swim, 20 Seconds Rest

50 Kick FAST, 15 Seconds Rest

6 x 50 Descend 1-3, 4-6

15 seconds rest

= 1500 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 3,000 yds</h2>

Swim Workout #156 – Choice – Backstroke Day

Here we are, it is FRIDAY!! Take a little time to think about your backstroke today. What is one thing you can improve on your stoke? Are you rotating your whole body? Do you know your stroke count to the wall from the flags, are your pinky fingers entering the water at 11 & 1 (think about a clock). 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

Drill Set

8 x 2 Turn 50s – All Backstroke

Work on great turns and if you can maintain it, make the full 25 FAST

15 Seconds Rest

= 400 yds

Main Set

4 x 200 Free/ Backstroke by 25

4 x 50 Backstroke FAST / Easy by 25

2 x 200 Free / Backstroke Kick without a board

8 x 25 Backstroke Descending 1-4, 5-8

15 seconds rest

= 1600 yds

        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 2,900 yds</h2>