Swim Workout #162 – Freestyle – Broken Mile

Good Morning out there! It has been a while since we’ve done an distance swim. Today we welcome distance swimming back with a broken mile for time. See if you can get close to your best mile for time in a meet or open water swim! You can do it! 

Warm Up

400 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Pull

= 800 yds

        <h2>Drill Set</h2>      
    <ul type="disc"><li>4 x 75 Choice – 10 seconds rest<ul><li>Kick/<a href="https://aswimlife.com/2018/08/20/swim-workout-10-freestyle-1-mile-for-time/_wp_link_placeholder">Drill</a>/Swim</li></ul></li><li>8 x 25 D 1-4, 5-8 Choice ( keep 4 25s the same stroke) – 10 seconds rest</li></ul><p>=300 yds</p>        
        <h2>Main Set</h2>       
    <ul><li style="list-style-type: none;"><ul type="disc"><li>1 x 1650 for time broken<ul type="disc"><li>No gear</li><li>Break up in 4 sets of 400s. </li><li>But first start with a 50 Fast from a start</li><li>Time each 400 </li><li>Break for 1 minute between each</li><li>At the end add up your times and see how close you get to your best time in a meet. </li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><p>= 1650 yds</p>      
        <h2>Warm Down</h2>      
    <p>100 Easy</p>     
        <h2>Total = 3,050 yds</h2>